Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Beginning

Welcome to 2010! Hope you all had a happy and memorable New Year!

Last night, there were some fireworks in Melbourne, but they weren't as spectacular as previous years because we had something far more important.

RAIN ! !

...and there was lots of it. There was also thunder and lightning and at one stage, some of the thunder felt so close to Number 10, we thought a house down the street had blown up! I even got out of bed to check that there was nothing on fire.

I've never heard thunder like it.


  1. Happy New Year! I'm jumping over from Journaling Woman's site. You have a lovely blog.

    Looking forward to getting to know you better in 2010!

  2. Tamika, thanks for dropping by. Glad to meet you! Hope you can bcome a regular visitor here to Number 10.

    Happy New Year.


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