Sunday, October 7, 2012

A great time of year

It really is a lovely time of year...

The wisteria's blooming

The Banksia Rose is gorgeous

...and the bees are buzzing...they're everywhere.

I love Spring!


  1. I do love the flowers coming out at this time of year, even if I spend most of it sneezing :D

    1. Kellie, I've never been a hayfever sufferer...until a few years back when, one Spring, my face ended up looking like the michelen man who'd gone ten rounds with Ali
      Not pretty

  2. It's a great time of year, I was just saying the very same thing to the flower guy at the market yesterday. I adore the wisteria. I have two tiny plants and I expect it will be a few years before I see a bloom, but they are worth the wait!


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