Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The IKEA solution....

Summer's just around the corner for us here in the Southern Hemisphere and with that comes the flies!

We've had a flyscreen in the past that was long strips of clear PVC, like you see in some shops, but unfortunately it was still letting in the darn critters, so I thought this might do the trick.

I took myself off to IKEA and spent $5.99 on a pair of LILL net curtains and $4.99 on a curtain rod.

Voila...instant fly screen that also looks pretty good.

I trimmed the bottom so it wouldn't drag too much on the deck and have also bought some tape and a few metres of drapery weight to sew along the bottom just to "toughen" it up a bit so it doesn't fly open in the lightest of breezes. I remember people putting coins in the bottom of their drapes to make sure they hang nicely, but you can buy the weight by the metre now. It's just lots of little weights inside a white cotton sausage...a very small sausage but it should do the trick nicely.

Job done!
Hello Summer, Goodbye flies


  1. It looks great and should work well with the sausage weight along the bottom. How I wish wish wish we had ikea in Tassie!!

  2. It looks fabulous...who would have thought. A great solution to keep out those pesky flies! Loving IKEA ;)

  3. This is sheer brilliance! (Pardon the pun). I may have to remember this idea down the track. I hate mozzies and flies. Do you think it would keep out flies?

  4. Great idea, I love it. We are hoping to get french doors in our bedroom (one day) and this looks so lovely, it would be perfect. xx

  5. Thanks all! Yep it is keeping out the flies and mozzies. I took it down last night because of the strong winds and will sew the tape and weight on this weekend. I'll post again to show you how it's looking
    So far so good though....and even the dogs and cat have learnt how to make their way through it.

  6. That is clever. We have mozzies left right and centre around here, so this is a good option. xx

  7. This is exactly what I did to my french door at my cottage beach house. I weighed mine down by slipping seashells and some sea glass into the bottom hem, and then sewed up the sides of the hem. I didn't know about those weighted cotton sausage things that you speek of. I attached my curtain loosely with large curtain loops on the rod , and it just slides open like a shower curtain would. It works so much better than any screen we tried. this really is an excellent answer for these doors and it looks so pretty.

  8. What a great idea! It looks lovely! Filing this idea away for when I need a solution like this!

  9. Fabulous idea, I have the same problem on a side door so this should work a treat at our home!

  10. Glad you all like it so much...I'm really stoked with the way it's turned out


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