Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Not sure who or why really...but I got an email today about being nominated for this award

I'm guessing I'm not alone though

So...whoever nominated me. THANKS, but I think you got the wrong girl.

It's an award for blogs that have a lot to do with teachers and libraries. That 'aint me.

They also sent a little jigger so you could vote for me...that won't be going on here....


  1. How interesting! It's a rather specialized award, isn't it? Oh well, I say go with it!
    Maybe it's the universe directing you towards your new career?

  2. OOH Sarah, I never thought of it that way. That's interesting isn't it....and I've always loved books and libraries.
    Come on down Universe and point me in the right direction.

  3. Yeah, go for it! Even a great bookstore, I'd be in heaven. Think of the staff discount :)

  4. They are just trying to drum up traffic for their site. Not that you aren't fascinating, but their criteria are a bit suspect.

    1. Yeah, I figured it was a bit of a promotion for their site rather than a "real" award as such. Thanks for dropping by though...it'll be interesting to see who wins.


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